




2012-01-01 13:43

Pazhayannur,Thrissur District,Kerala,India

Index Title
1 Answer To Your Question
2 Detailed Prediction
A. January'25 – December'25
2.2 Married Life
A. January'25 – December'25
2.3 Health
3 Personalized Remedies
4 Birth Details & Charts
5 Birth Particulars
6 Birth Chart
7 Moon Chart
8 Navamsha Chart
9 Vimshottari Mahadasha And Antardashas Table

What does 2025 hold for me ?

Dear Devdutt,

Kindly review our month-wise analysis for all areas of your life for year 2025. We have also narrated the health analysis for year 2025.

Our blessings are always with you for your brighter future ahead.



Your status will noticeably enhance, and you'll achieve recognition this month. There's a likelihood of encountering positive opportunities for growth. However, even with your dedicated efforts, advancement might face obstacles in the middle of the month. The latter half of the month could expand your experiences and bring forth fresh opportunities fro growth. Planetary shifts will mark your entry into a new phase of professional progress.


The planets are aligning to bring a positive period for your career this month. Yet, you might feel uncertain about your choices and skills at the start of the month. The middle of the month should bring clarity and a smoother career path. When interacting with your superiors, it's important to be diplomatic and composed. Conflicting interests might create confusion. As the month concludes, you'll have the opportunity to aim high. Make the most of it and mend any strained relationships.


As the month begins future growth prospects will keep you preoccupied during the initial weeks. As the month progresses, things shall start picking up. However, there will be some obstacles and bottlenecks as well hence you cannot expect smooth sailing. Post mid-month, you will be able to perform well, and hence you are likely to finish off some important pending tasks. The favourable planetary impact may help you gain eminence during this latter part of this month.

During this month, you may have better opportunities for gain and growth. It is an auspicious time to receive some dues or you are likely to get back your stucked money, if any. To put your financial plans into effect you may need to put in lot of efforts though. If you take on too many tasks together then you are bound to feel mentally stressed. You will spend on entertainment and luxury items.


As the month begins there will be some stiff challenges and resistance in your way. The middle part of this month will be very important and the event that may occur during this phase may have intense impact on your career progression. The decisions that you take during this phase will have strong impact on your career growth. So, it is wise to avoid impulsive decisions. Period post 18th date will be very promising for desired success in your all attempts. So, try to utilize this entire period.

As major parts of this month seem beneficial, your income will definitely see growth here. However, some expenses will be incurred with regards to religious and social activities during the first half of this month. During the second half, you may desire to spend on your home for decoration, entertainment and upgrading your lifestyle. Various dealings related to fixed assets may also remain beneficial.


This period will prove favourable for career advancement. The first two weeks seem a very important phase for your career. You would be able to express yourself well and your communication would also be more productive. During the last two weeks, your fortune may fluctuate, and there may be some situations, wherein you may feel that things are not moving either way. Do not go for any deals which are not needed presently.

During this month, your financial progress will remain slow but steady. The initial parts may not derive the financial rewards that you desire so easily. Though long term investment planning will remain beneficial. The period post mid-month shall remain supportive of your wealth segment. Think of the revenue resources and new possibilities. New sources of income will increase.


During this month, you will be working tirelessly to achieve the desired level of success in your pursuit. This would be the right time for experimenting with new ideas and for strategies. However, avoid taking any hasty decisions, which involve financial involvement. As the month progresses, planetary situations will help you find betterment at the career front. Some of your previous, pending issues or projects will notice a start-up in this month.

In this month, you will adopt a new way of thinking in financial dealings. However, kindly avoid hasty decisions in any financial matters. Your income is likely to increase day-by-day. You will be attracted to book profits from some old investments. In other words, you are likely to get good returns from your old investments. There are chances of gain through some past investments.


As the month begins it will make you feel enthusiastic as there will be many positive development in your career. You may get some good opportunities for progress at your work place during the middle part of this month. On a whole, your career is likely to flourish and you will be able to make some action-oriented plans. Your efforts may eventually bring good results at month-end. It may also help you broaden your horizons here and also can look forward to new projects.

You will take steps to strengthen your financial status this month. Try to take out some time for self-introspection, as this will help you stay in touch with what needs to be done and how much you have been able to do. You will now move ahead with proper planning. Now you would be able to overcome various odds and will be able to take on challenges with a bolder approach, and that may help you to empower your financial status.


Career graph to go up this month and if you put in more efforts to improve your relations with coworkers, the growth will be even faster. However, planetary alignment may cause some challenges and obstacles in the beginning days of this month. How you perform at work during the initial period will set the tone for the month ahead. You will be sort of unsure of your decisions and abilities, during mid month. The grey clouds of uncertainties will fade gradually post mid-month and then you will be able to perform better.

During the first half, there will be some commitment pressure. Due to some false commitments a sense of dissatisfaction may bother you like the gain that you derive during this period may not match your expectations. It might provoke you to take ambitious steps to meet your targets. You are advised to avoid such temptations because this period will only support methodical investments and approaches. The second half may bring clarity and you may now have the wisdom to implement your financial planning more efficiently.


Some parts of first half of this month shall be demanding, and you may find it difficult to make decisions here. Your reasoning may sound illogical, so avoid being too verbal and always stick to action. Do not stress your viewpoint overly during this phase. As the month progresses, supportive forces will work effectively for your career progression. You will be much more sure about the future course of action. Your own resources will have to be augmented by garnering support.

This month may remain positive for your financial matters. The beginning of this month will call for building new financial strategies and reviewing plans to begin afresh. There would be increased materialistic rewards after 10th date. Also, the period until the month-end will help you manage your financial matters more efficiently. However, you must avoid risky investments or projects for quick gains in the 3rd week. Use your resources wisely during this phase.


At the initial stage of this month, you are likely to experience stiff competition at the career front. The pending issues should be reviewed, and a judgment has to be taken whether they need to be resolved currently or can be kept in abeyance for a while. You need to make sure that your rivals do not score over you. As the month progresses post 15th date, it can be a good time for you to analyse the situations and reflect upon your goals. The pace of your work will be satisfactory at the ending phase of this month.

As far as monetary matters are concerned, you will receive good opportunities and there will be growth in income. There will be growth in your respect, wealth and reputation. However, try to avoid getting into any speculation activities. There will be some days in which your expenses will be more hence you may experience a little financial constraint. Hence, some special care should be taken that you avoid unnecessary or unexpected expenses.


The initial parts seem a kind of challenging time for you. Your perseverance will help you to move forward in life. You will need to remain careful and attentive during this phase, as there are chances of sudden or unexpected problems in your career. You may need to look back and review the decisions and action taken in the past. You may need to have a major change in direction to push ahead your prospects. However, the period post 20th date can be a very progressive phase for your career. Conditions will improve gradually here.

As the month begins, you will success in monetary planning and financial management. It is a good month for long term investments, but do not get lured into greedy schemes otherwise it will be a situation where you called in your own problems. Some expenses against religious functions are likely to occur. On a whole, current month would be satisfactory on financial ground.


This is the best time for taking positive decisions for your job and career. You will be waiting for the fresh new projects, and finally, you will get it, also at this time you are going to get new openings for your profile. Difficulties will help you move further. However, you need to remain careful while dealing with top authorities during the ending days of this month.

In this month, your income will take an upward jump. This is a strong period for analyzing your cash flow, income, and earning power. This will be an excellent period with best opportunities for financial progression and success. The later parts shall remain average on financial ground. Involvement in charities is on the cards. Plus, you might spend a considerable amount of money for a long-distance journey or travelling in this month.



This month offers a chance to strengthen your bonds with family. You might be open to fresh ideas and willing to adopt positive changes. Engaging in social events could lead to new connections. Your emotions will be expansive, but be cautious not to magnify them too much. You might prioritize others' needs over your own desires. As the month progresses, especially after the 22nd, heightened emotions might make you more sensitive than usual, causing your feelings to be easily hurt.


This month will offer chances to enhance your social engagements and enjoy meaningful moments with your dear ones. Your circle of friends is likely to widen, and you can count on their assistance whenever needed. Your guidance will be valued by both friends and family, making you a dependable source of help. You'll noticeably increase your involvement with friends and community activities.


You would enjoy a good rapport with your family members and may attain good harmony with them during this month. This month will also bring a soothing impact on your personal life and relationship. You are now inclined to sort out differences in your relationship. You will also understand the value of sharing with your loved ones. The period from 14th date will be favorable for you to sort out any existing problems in your personal life.


This month will help you to come up with effective solutions. Planetary forces will help you to be more tolerant and accept opposite views. Also, your need for togetherness will come into play strongly during this time. You are ready to attract much more harmonious interactions with others at this time, and this will not only boost your self-esteem but also enhance your overall well-being. Look for creative ways to express yourself and to bring in harmony in your relationships. On a whole, the celestial situations will be on your side in this month.


During this month, you will be working hard at making yourself feel more secure in your personal life. You might put in more efforts to improvise the condition of your family. You will be ready to invest your time and energy in family activities; hence you will be able to manage the issues efficiently. Focus on family well-being and peace during this time. It is the best time to mend matters.


During the first few days, you will be somewhat confused or less motivated than usual. You will need to search for a creative solution to your inner dissatisfaction. Post 09th date, planets will bring increasing clarity in your relationship and the relationship needs. So, this period may help you find ways to have a harmonious and meaningful relationship. Your energy will be expended in understanding and adapting to your personal environment. It will help you understand the different aspects of your relationship and will also enable you to resolve some pending issues related to your personal life.


During this month, you will not hesitate in expressing your emotions which may make people somewhat uncomfortable and may also cause temperamental problems with those close to you. Some hidden resentments or unknown feelings may also come to fore that can have a significant impact on you and the people around you. It may be difficult to stay grounded today with all the information flying around and the emotions roiling in your heart. Try not to take things too seriously. This is the key to maintaining a level head throughout the day.


There will be harmony in your personal life as the month begins, but the impact of transiting planets will make you restless and hyper-emotional. The effects of Rahu will be felt strongly around the middle of this month. Eventually, it will help you get rid of the things holding you back from truly living your life. During the 2nd half, you will realize the value of commitment towards your family members. You are likely to enjoy fresh energy in your personal environment.


You will be far more sensitive during this month, which can complicate the relationships. You will be more inclined to act on emotional whims rather than based on clear thinking. Also, your tendency to shy away from real problems or issues related to your personal life may not help you and you will have to seek for reliable solutions. It will be very much necessary for you to understand your social equations more carefully than usual. Do things with passion, and take care of any work that needs to be done. There are important facts coming to you from unexpected sources.


This month may begin on a good note for your domestic life. You may also feel like sharing your concerns with people who know you and comprehend you well. Also, this is the best time for you to work on your issues as you will be committed and willing to work on yourself. Your efforts will eventually bring a good impact on your relationship and personal life. The 2nd half will also be fine as there is enough support from your planets to have a stable balance of happiness and peace in you.


The initial 10 days may not allow you to spend sufficient time for your family hence at times it will be difficult for you to strike the right balance between your personal and professional commitments. From 11th date onwards, you would enjoy most of the pleasures with your family members. As the period progresses, you could attain a good harmony with you, life partner. You may also experience more affection in your relationships with your loved ones, friends or associates. Also, your communications with the people around you will be more pleasant and easy.


Under the planetary influences, this can be a good time for resolving problems through meaningful dialogue with your beloved ones. You will be more open and forthcoming with your family members. However, your thinking will be forward-looking and confident, but you will be struggling to cross some of your limitations. A little bit of flexibility will help you to avoid problems.


Overall, this year will remain good for your health, also there will be an improvement in some past ailment. Your energy level will also remain good. But you may have some seasonal health problems at the beginning of this year. Hence, you are advised to take care of your health until the end of February. The period starting in March will help you recover from physical ailments. This shows the possibility of getting your health back on track. Start working out as chances of a weight gain are quite high in this period. Though there is nothing majorly adverse for your health, the period around May and June may bring some harm to your health. You should take care of your digestive system. You are advised to avoid taking too much burden and also drive carefully during this phase. Your health will be good due to a strong immune system during the latter half of this year. But, the period around October is likely to demand more attention to some old health issues.


The Primary Solution: The Ideal Most Gemstone For You

After wearing White Sapphire, you would feel generally happy with whatever comes to you or whatever you do. A feeling of satisfaction would rule your mind. This gemstone is auspicious for money matters and all the material comforts. You will be able to accomplish all your tasks and take well thought-out decisions. You will also get the support of your family and women will have great contribution behind your success. A standard and empowered White Topaz can bring a positive boost in your professional and personal life. You will also be able to progress in your career with an increased recognition from the employer or other top authorities.

Please Note: For a limited period, we are offering the beautifully designed Panchdhatu Ring, absolutely free of cost! It means, now you only have to pay for the Gemstone!

The Energization Of The Gemstones

It is important to note that a gemstone is powerless unless it is energized in a correct manner. The gemstone needs to be purified and made free of all impurities, before you can wear it.

But, you need not worry about the procedure and rituals, as, we at, have developed a traditional and authentic method to cleanse, energize and attune a gemstone, specially for you! It is based on our deep research and understanding of the Vedas and the related astrological scriptures.

So, the gemstone that you order, WILL BE READY TO WEAR!

Personalized Puja For You:

Further, we also recommend you to avail our Vishnu Puja Service which is highly beneficial to balance natal planetary energies.

As per our Vedic philosophy, Lord Vishnu is considered as propitious and is worshipped by all sects over the country as he has the power to bring happiness in life and overcome any adverse situation.

How it works ?

Vishnu Puja is done by very famous & powerful stotra, called Vishnu Sahasranaam. This puja begins by traditional shodoshopchar puja in a vedic form. After that, Tulsi leaves, flowers, and rice coated with turmeric is offered by recitation of 11 Vishnu Sahasranaam.
Link : Click Here

Benefits of this Pooja

Performing Vishnu Puja can easily bring auspiciousness in life in any form. Vishnu Sahasranama grants success & happiness in life. Further, this puja grants success in accomplishment of financial goals.

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Your Personal Astrologer
The Team

Birth Particulars
Gender Male Latitude 10N40
Birth Date 01 Jan 2012 Longitude 76E25
Birth Day Tuesday Lagna Aries-23:40:13
Birth Time 13:43 hrs Aynamsh 23:21:58
Birth Place Pazhayannur Moon Sign Aries
Country India Birth Nakshatra Bharani
Timezone 0530 hrs Nakshatra Pada 2
Avakhada Chakra (Your Birth Panchang)
Description: The table shown here contains various astrological terms which are obtained from your own Moon's position. Hence, this table is very useful in Vedic Astrology as it shows your own personalized information. This helps the native to determine the compatibility with others.
Birth Yog Sadhya Birth Vasya Chatushpad
Birth Karan Taitil Birth Yoni Gaja
Birth Varga Mrig Birth Gana Manushya
Birth Varna Kshatriya Birth Yunja Purva
Birth Tatva Agni Birth Nadi Madhya
Ghaat Chakra
Description: As the name suggests, Ghaat literally means negative or inauspicious. This table shows your personalized negative phenomenon of Panchang in which you should take extra care and precaution. Plus, the suggested day, tithi, month, nakshatra etc... should also be avoided to initiate any new or auspicious work.
Month Kartik Tithi Shukladashmi
Day Sunday Nakshatra Magha
Yog Vishkumbh Karan Bav
Prahar First MaleMoon Aries
FemaleMoon Aries
Lagna Kundali
Lagna Kundali
Nirayan Grah
Grah Rashi-Ansh Nakshatra-Pad Ra Swa Na Swa Awastha
Lagna Aries- 23:40:13 Bharani -4 Mars Venus Vruddha
Sun Sagittarius- 28:33:55 Uttarashadha -1 Jupiter Sun Mruta
Moon Aries- 16:56:13 Bharani -2 Mars Venus Yuva
Mars Virgo- 03:05:27 Uttarafalguni -2 Mercury Sun Mruta
Mercury Sagittarius- 05:41:20 Mool -2 Jupiter Ketu Balya
Jupiter Aries- 22:45:02 Bharani -3 Mars Venus Vruddha
Venus Sagittarius- 06:38:42 Mool -2 Jupiter Ketu Kumar
Saturn Aquarius- 09:01:05 Satbhisha -1 Saturn Rahu Kumar
Rahu Taurus- 27:59:03 Mrugshirsh -2 Venus Mars Balya
Ketu Scorpio- 27:59:03 Jyestha -4 Mars Mercury Balya
Harshal Leo- 21:14:20 Purvafalguni -3 Sun Venus Vruddha
Neptune Libra- 26:13:22 Vishakha -2 Venus Jupiter Mruta
Pluto Leo- 22:48:02 Purvafalguni -3 Sun Venus Vruddha

Moon Chart

Moon Chart


Navamsha Chart
Ashtakavarga Kundli
Ashtakavarga Kundli
Vimshottari Mahadasha and Antardashas

Venus (20y) Age -5

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Venus 23 Aug 1959 20 Dec 1962
Sun 20 Dec 1962 20 Dec 1963
Moon 20 Dec 1963 19 Aug 1965
Mars 19 Aug 1965 19 Oct 1966
Rahu 19 Oct 1966 17 Oct 1969
Jupiter 17 Oct 1969 15 Jun 1972
Saturn 15 Jun 1972 14 Aug 1975
Mercury 14 Aug 1975 12 Jun 1978
Ketu 12 Jun 1978 12 Aug 1979

Sun (6y) Age 14

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Sun 12 Aug 1979 30 Nov 1979
Moon 30 Nov 1979 31 May 1980
Mars 31 May 1980 06 Oct 1980
Rahu 06 Oct 1980 30 Aug 1981
Jupiter 30 Aug 1981 18 Jun 1982
Saturn 18 Jun 1982 31 May 1983
Mercury 31 May 1983 05 Apr 1984
Ketu 05 Apr 1984 11 Aug 1984
Venus 11 Aug 1984 11 Aug 1985

Moon (10y) Age 20

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Moon 11 Aug 1985 11 Jun 1986
Mars 11 Jun 1986 10 Jan 1987
Rahu 10 Jan 1987 10 Jul 1988
Jupiter 10 Jul 1988 08 Nov 1989
Saturn 08 Nov 1989 09 Jun 1991
Mercury 09 Jun 1991 07 Nov 1992
Ketu 07 Nov 1992 08 Jun 1993
Venus 08 Jun 1993 06 Feb 1995
Sun 06 Feb 1995 08 Aug 1995

Mars (7y) Age 30

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Mars 08 Aug 1995 04 Jan 1996
Rahu 04 Jan 1996 21 Jan 1997
Jupiter 21 Jan 1997 28 Dec 1997
Saturn 28 Dec 1997 05 Feb 1999
Mercury 05 Feb 1999 02 Feb 2000
Ketu 02 Feb 2000 30 Jun 2000
Venus 30 Jun 2000 30 Aug 2001
Sun 30 Aug 2001 05 Jan 2002
Moon 05 Jan 2002 06 Aug 2002

Rahu (18y) Age 37

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Rahu 06 Aug 2002 16 Apr 2005
Jupiter 16 Apr 2005 08 Sep 2007
Saturn 08 Sep 2007 13 Jul 2010
Mercury 13 Jul 2010 28 Jan 2013
Ketu 28 Jan 2013 15 Feb 2014
Venus 15 Feb 2014 13 Feb 2017
Sun 13 Feb 2017 07 Jan 2018
Moon 07 Jan 2018 08 Jul 2019
Mars 08 Jul 2019 25 Jul 2020

Jupiter (16y) Age 55

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Jupiter 25 Jul 2020 11 Sep 2022
Saturn 11 Sep 2022 23 Mar 2025
Mercury 23 Mar 2025 28 Jun 2027
Ketu 28 Jun 2027 03 Jun 2028
Venus 03 Jun 2028 31 Jan 2031
Sun 31 Jan 2031 19 Nov 2031
Moon 19 Nov 2031 19 Mar 2033
Mars 19 Mar 2033 23 Feb 2034
Rahu 23 Feb 2034 17 Jul 2036

Saturn (19y) Age 71

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Saturn 17 Jul 2036 19 Jul 2039
Mercury 19 Jul 2039 26 Mar 2042
Ketu 26 Mar 2042 04 May 2043
Venus 04 May 2043 02 Jul 2046
Sun 02 Jul 2046 14 Jun 2047
Moon 14 Jun 2047 12 Jan 2049
Mars 12 Jan 2049 20 Feb 2050
Rahu 20 Feb 2050 25 Dec 2052
Jupiter 25 Dec 2052 07 Jul 2055

Mercury (17y) Age 90

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Mercury 07 Jul 2055 01 Dec 2057
Ketu 01 Dec 2057 28 Nov 2058
Venus 28 Nov 2058 26 Sep 2061
Sun 26 Sep 2061 02 Aug 2062
Moon 02 Aug 2062 01 Jan 2064
Mars 01 Jan 2064 28 Dec 2064
Rahu 28 Dec 2064 16 Jul 2067
Jupiter 16 Jul 2067 20 Oct 2069
Saturn 20 Oct 2069 27 Jun 2072

Ketu (7y) Age 107

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Ketu 27 Jun 2072 23 Nov 2072
Venus 23 Nov 2072 23 Jan 2074
Sun 23 Jan 2074 31 May 2074
Moon 31 May 2074 30 Dec 2074
Mars 30 Dec 2074 28 May 2075
Rahu 28 May 2075 14 Jun 2076
Jupiter 14 Jun 2076 21 May 2077
Saturn 21 May 2077 29 Jun 2078
Mercury 29 Jun 2078 26 Jun 2079